Remember Me FondlyRemember me fondly. These are the final lines. Imagine I was a dream that passed through your life. Or a rainstorm, flooding your street. I…May 16, 2024May 16, 2024
Elevator Pitch“Elevator pitch is a short description of an idea, product or company that explains the concept in a way such that any listener can…May 11, 2020May 11, 2020
Quiet ShipThis is an amateur poem translation attempt from Turkish to English. It’s one of my favorite poems.Jan 12, 2020Jan 12, 2020
Tartışma Adabı v0.1Tartışma konusu açık bir şekilde iki tarafça ilan edilmeden tartışma başlamaz.Aug 27, 2018Aug 27, 2018
Why We Don’t Have a Cryptocurrency AnymoreSatoshi Nakamoto is the inventor of self-governance not the digital money.Nov 25, 2017Nov 25, 2017
What is Product Management?The definition of product management is different for every company. Here, I’d like to use Josh Elman’s description which is more suitable…Apr 29, 2017Apr 29, 2017
Software Development Glossary For Non-Technical EntrepreneursIf you are a non-tech entrepreneur you may experience communication issues with your product development team. You are not alone, even I…Apr 29, 2017Apr 29, 2017